Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Asthma Relief

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease .Liveing with asthma can be very difficult for many people(especially children).lung function changes through out the day and night.Many people have symptoms that become worse at night (nocturnal asthma) and night time cough and shortness of breath frequently occur. In general, waking at night because of shortness of breath. There many medications that are availble iether perscription(only to be used under if your doctor perscripes it) or over the counter to help relieve and reduce asthma symptom bronchodilators, are used to help open the narrowed lungs and may relieve coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath
Anti leukotrienes,are medications help to decrease the narrowing of the lung and to decrease the chance of fluids in the lungs. These are usually given orally.
Corticosteroids are a steroidal medication that can be taken orally or injected.You may want to ask your doctor about other medications on the market like,XOLAIR. XOLAIR has not been proven to alleviate other allergic conditions,but has been shown to help with asthma.
There also a host of natural products and methods to help aleviate asthma symptoms.I highly recomend trying natural preventions because many have been proven clinically to work and there is less chance of side affects. even deep medation has been shown to work in some cases.

Now's the time to ask your doctor about XOLAIR

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