Monday, April 30, 2007

Some Facts About Allergies!

Did you know that its estimated that about 6 million Americans are allergic to cats and approximately one third of them have cats in their homes.Cat allergies is not actually caused by cat hair, but a protein present in the dander and saliva of cats.Dog allergies are less comon than cat allergies and once again the allergies are not triguered by the dog hair but by the by the dander also and sometimes a dogs lick can cause an allergic reaction.there also shompoos for pets that are supose to decrease pet dander. Asthma occurs in about 8% of all people, and is the most common chronic disease in children.Symptoms of asthma may include:wheezing,Coughing,Shortness of breath(children with more severe asthma may have shortness of breath at rest or wake up with this during the night) Chest tightness. If you are allergic to your pet and you dont want to find the pet a new home ,try bathing the pet often,it may reduce the dander and allergen,.keep your carpet well vacumed and change air filters regularly. .

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