Are you one of the many people suffering from allergy hell and would do any thing for relief?According to a recent study 20% of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies(during spring its seems more like 50% to me).and most people dont relize that allergies can develop at any point in our lives.I know a woman who actaully developed an alergy to her own cat and had to get allergy shots once a month(she refused to get rid of her cat because she loved and adored it)A medical study found that children exposed to two or more pets in their first year were half as likely to have allergies to dogs & cats at ages 6 & 7 than children without pets. Click Here!
Most people dont even know that allergies are merely your immune system gone crazy(when a allergy attack occurs most people feel as if their bodies have turned against them lol ). It attacks a harmless substance that it mistakes for a dangerous substance, releasing inflammatory chemicals to flush it out.Allergy symptoms appear only after your total allergen load reaches a certain point.
But lucky for allergy suffers these days there are a great deal of allergy control products and medications, both synthetic and natural available.You can also do things to help control your allergies.Like getting a allergy relief bedding,hypoallergenic pillows and blankets,special cleanning products to elimate dust mites,air purifiers and filters for your home.and if you have suvere allergies,or just want to find out if you have allergies you should consult your doctor. Click Here!