Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Asthma Relief

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease .Liveing with asthma can be very difficult for many people(especially children).lung function changes through out the day and night.Many people have symptoms that become worse at night (nocturnal asthma) and night time cough and shortness of breath frequently occur. In general, waking at night because of shortness of breath. There many medications that are availble iether perscription(only to be used under if your doctor perscripes it) or over the counter to help relieve and reduce asthma symptom bronchodilators, are used to help open the narrowed lungs and may relieve coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath
Anti leukotrienes,are medications help to decrease the narrowing of the lung and to decrease the chance of fluids in the lungs. These are usually given orally.
Corticosteroids are a steroidal medication that can be taken orally or injected.You may want to ask your doctor about other medications on the market like,XOLAIR. XOLAIR has not been proven to alleviate other allergic conditions,but has been shown to help with asthma.
There also a host of natural products and methods to help aleviate asthma symptoms.I highly recomend trying natural preventions because many have been proven clinically to work and there is less chance of side affects. even deep medation has been shown to work in some cases.

Now's the time to ask your doctor about XOLAIR

Monday, April 30, 2007

Some Facts About Allergies!

Did you know that its estimated that about 6 million Americans are allergic to cats and approximately one third of them have cats in their homes.Cat allergies is not actually caused by cat hair, but a protein present in the dander and saliva of cats.Dog allergies are less comon than cat allergies and once again the allergies are not triguered by the dog hair but by the by the dander also and sometimes a dogs lick can cause an allergic reaction.there also shompoos for pets that are supose to decrease pet dander. Asthma occurs in about 8% of all people, and is the most common chronic disease in children.Symptoms of asthma may include:wheezing,Coughing,Shortness of breath(children with more severe asthma may have shortness of breath at rest or wake up with this during the night) Chest tightness. If you are allergic to your pet and you dont want to find the pet a new home ,try bathing the pet often,it may reduce the dander and allergen,.keep your carpet well vacumed and change air filters regularly. .

Skin Rashes caused by Allergies

Sometimes people get skin rashes caused by allergic reactions called Contact dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is perhaps the most common form of eczema(rash)The systoms are Dry, thickened, cracked ,and sometimes itchy skin.If you do have Contact dermatitis do not scratch the skin where it is itching because this can actaully increase the condition..Useing moisturizers regular should help These symptoms.IF the rashes continue topical oitments can usaully reduced or completely relieved the itching and cracked dry skin. .Hydrocortisone is a topical ointment that is a anti inflammatory steroid cream that is considered safe for topical use for skin rashes and is very effective . cortaid is another popular ointment that is used for skin irratations and there are several topical oitment products that are available that are widely available and very effective.If a skin rash is persistant overa extened period of time,you see you doctor about the condition.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Allergy Eye Irration Relief

allergic eye symptoms can be very distressing.Eye allergies occur when a substance to which you are sensitive comes into contact with your eyes and causes irritation and redness.Conjunctivitis can be caused by allergies or by viral or bacterial infections.Approximately 54 million people, about 20% of the U.S. population, have allergies. Almost half of these people have eye allergies.
Often people with eye allergies have other allergy syndromes affecting the sinuses, nose, or lungs. People with colds may get viral conjunctivitis. Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are spread by contact.One of best treatment for dry eyes is to use liquefying eye drops. This is very important, as a dry eye can become infected.There are a host of eye drop medications to help relieve the symptoms of allergy eye irratation.Also haveing a cool air humidifier can help relieve allergy eye irratation.adding a natureal moisturizing liquid to the eyes can also relieve eye irratation like Nature's Tears EyeMist. Nature's Tears EyeMist contains no harmful propellants, preservatives or chemicals.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Food Alergy Symptoms,,and Treatments

Food alergy systems include
Dizziness, lightheadedness ,tingling in the mouth ,Hives,Abdominal pain, itching or eczema ,Swelling of the lips, face,diarrhea, nausea , Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat or, other parts of the body Wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing, , or vomiting or fainting,
In a severe allergic reaction to food called anaphylaxis it could be life threating and Emergency treatment is critical .My daughter is extremely alergic to nuts of all kinds to the point i keep an epipen i my apartment at all times just in case,and have no nut products in the house,and i use to love my peanut butter and cashews :( .oh and in case you dont know what an epipen is,its a type of preloaded injection that helps stop allergic reactions fast so you have some time to get to a hospital for emergency care for anaphylaxis.
some other treatments for food alergy systems other than the epipen is diphenhydramine ,or more comonly known as Benadryl This drug reverses the effects of histamine and may be injected when needed or given orally for less severe reactions
Corticosteroids These are usually given through an iv at first to reduce swelling and other symptoms of allergic reactions. and in topical creams for skin irratation caused by food alergies.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Allergies in Spring YUCK!

Hacking, sneezing ,running nose,ahhh the calling card of spring. The time of year all those almost invisable particals that set off the alergy symtoms are at its peak.Dust mites pollen,pet dandruff,hayfever,ragweed,even dust all out to attack the poor allergy sufferer.The doctor says the best pervention of allergy systoms is avoiding the pollutents.but how do you avoid spring?you cant stay locked in your house all day.and even if you could there are many things in our homes that can triguer allergy systoms. Even house dust can cause systoms because o fdust that contains mold spores and allergens from house dust mites, furry pets and cockroaches. But there are ways to reduce house dust and may lessen the severity of allergey systomslike, All cleaning in the house should be done with a vacuum,(perferably a vacum that is made to help pervent alergens) wet mop or wet dust cloth.
Getting a air cleaner could be a major help.like the hepa air cleaner,whirlpools whisper air puifier,IQair cleaner to mention a few.
and as mentioned befor get beding and pillows that are hypo allergenic.And if you really need to go outside,there a host of medications both over the counter and perscription that can help your allergy systoms.Medications like Zyrtec, nasal antihistermines,claritin,and a host of others products to help allergy systems.but remember always consult a doctor about your allergies and medications.and if you can avoid goining outdoors during hot breezy days and watch the pollen count for each day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Allergy Relief

Are you one of the many people suffering from allergy hell and would do any thing for relief?According to a recent study 20% of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies(during spring its seems more like 50% to me).and most people dont relize that allergies can develop at any point in our lives.I know a woman who actaully developed an alergy to her own cat and had to get allergy shots once a month(she refused to get rid of her cat because she loved and adored it)A medical study found that children exposed to two or more pets in their first year were half as likely to have allergies to dogs & cats at ages 6 & 7 than children without pets. Click Here!

Most people dont even know that allergies are merely your immune system gone crazy(when a allergy attack occurs most people feel as if their bodies have turned against them lol ). It attacks a harmless substance that it mistakes for a dangerous substance, releasing inflammatory chemicals to flush it out.Allergy symptoms appear only after your total allergen load reaches a certain point.

But lucky for allergy suffers these days there are a great deal of allergy control products and medications, both synthetic and natural available.You can also do things to help control your allergies.Like getting a allergy relief bedding,hypoallergenic pillows and blankets,special cleanning products to elimate dust mites,air purifiers and filters for your home.and if you have suvere allergies,or just want to find out if you have allergies you should consult your doctor. Click Here!